Return Of The DJ 16.02 @ Expirat (DJ J-CUE, DJ Undoo, DJ Dex, DJ Sfera, DJ Zicu, Nerub, Miru & Phlo Da Shaolin)

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Return Of The DJ este un eveniment tip-inițiativă organizat de & Made from Scratch, destinat iubitorilor de cultura urbană, turntablism, breakdance și graffiti, mixate de DJ Undoo, DJ Dex, DJ Sfera, DJ Zicu și prezentate la microfon de Miru & Phlo Da Shaolin.

Prima ediție a evenimentului va avea loc în Expirat, duminică, pe 16 februarie, de la ora 17:00 și va avea 4 componente.
Prima este reprezentată de o competiție de Breakin’ cu juriu internațional: DYZEE, invitat special din Canada, sprijinit de China & Dax – dansatori locali și de DJ Dex.
A doua este reprezentată de un Turntablism Showcase cu invitat străin în persoana lui DJ J-CUE din Irlanda, susținut de garda locală: DJ Sfera, Zicu, DJ Undoo, cu reprize de rupt capul pe beat-urile lui Nerub
A treia componentă – the MCs. Miru & Phlo Da Shaolin vor fi gazdele întregului eveniment, pe tot parcursul său.
A patra componentă îi prezintă pe Taci și RODS – doi writeri influenți în lumea Graffiti care vor realiza o lucrare specială, cu ocazia evenimentului.

Mai multe informații despre competiția de Breakin’ în curând.

Povestea invitaților speciali internaționali, mai jos:

DJ J-Cue began his DJ career in earnest in Beijing, China in 2004. and subsequently made it his home for the next 14 years.
During this period he has accumulated a wealth of experience rocking clubs and events all over Asia and the wider world.
With over 20 years experience rocking clubs, warehouse raves, parties, radio and battling under his belt, J-Cue quickly ascended to being regarded as one of the most talented DJs in Asia!
Having held down a 10 year residency at China’s most famous super club. MIX! J-Cue continued doing monthly guest appearances around Asia and during that time travelled all over Europe, The Middle East and the Asian region performing in places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Korea, Macau, Britain, Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, France, Holland, Dubai, Bahrain etc.
Previous celebrity clubbers entertained by J-Cue have included
DMX, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, the entire Miami Heat squad, AND1 Street Ball Team, Lil Jon, Sean Kingston, DJ UNK, T-Pain, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett, Will.I.Am, Scotty Pippin, DJ Felli Fel, Beyonce, and a host of other NBA and music industry stars.
From his simple beginnings in East London J-Cue has taken his brand of party rocking worldwide and continues to push himself forward!
He has drawn inspiration from such legends as Grandmaster Flash, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Shortee Blitz and Cash Money to name a few.
Music styles include hip-hop, EDM, dubstep, trap, rock, pop and just about anything that will make the crowd go crazy!
These days J-Cue is considered to be one of the most revered multi-genre veterans on the club circuit and never allows himself to
stand still when it comes to what’s hot on the dance floor! A true professional in and out of the DJ booth!
Dyzee is a world renown B-Boy legend, who not only has countless 1st place competition titles, but is also considered the pioneer of the Toronto style, the best of illusion footwork, dynamic foundation and the master of the threading style.
He first exploded on the international Bboy scene in 2001 where he was considered one of the top 5 B-Boys in the world, and although retired from competitions in 2012, he has returned from time to time, still winning battles and proving his mastery of the artform.
2015 Los Angeles, USA – “Freestyle Sessions World Finals” (3 on 3)
2014 Taipei, Taiwan – “New Taipei B-Boy City” (crew)
2012 Salzburg, Austria – “Circle Industry” (2 on 2)
2011 Temple, France – “Temple O’ Style” (crew)
2010 Beijing, China – “Keep On Dancing” (crew)
2009 Busan, Korea – “All Style Street Dance Festival” (3 on 3)
2009 Copenhagen, Denmark – “Floor Wars” (3 on 3)
2008 New York, USA – “Rocksteady Anniversary” (crew)
2008 Montreal, Canada – “Just For Laughs Festival” (3 on 3)
2008 Los Angeles, USA – “Freestyle Sessions 11” (crew)
2003 San Francisco, USA – “Mighty 4 5th Year Anniversary” (3 on 3)
2001 New York, USA – “Rocksteady Anniversary” (Solo)

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